Tag Archives: characters

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Plotting: Main Character

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I’m working on a romantic comedy for my Karly Stratford pen name at the moment, and I thought it might be fun to share my process for building characters.

I usually come up with the idea for the story first, then the characters. Some people do the opposite. Neither way is “right” and neither way is “wrong.” Do what works for you.

The idea for this story is simple. I want it to be a contemporary Snow White retelling. Snow White—Gwendolen Autry in my story—is helping a friend out and running their B&B for a few weeks while they’re on vacation. A bachelor party of eight guys (seven “dwarfs” and a “prince”) arrive for their week-long stay.

That’s it. When I decided to write this series, this is all I had for book one.

Granted, it’s a pretty solid idea. Imagine how much comedy can come out of a huge bachelor party in an isolated B&B with one woman trying to cook and clean for them. The possibilities range from a storm taking the power out and them all having to rough it. Eight city guys trying to chop wood? Or they go panning for gold and get lost and the girl has to come find them. The prince could be afraid of the dark, or hate the outdoors. She might be a bit rusty on cooking for large groups…

Like I said, I feel like it’s a good idea.

After the idea starts to percolate, it’s time to populate the story with characters.

These are the things I have to know before I start writing.

Note: This is a quick overview of each category that I use. I could do multiple blog posts about each one, but not today.

Name: Duh. This is important

Who is she: Just a basic snapshot of who the person is. I usually use their age and their job.

External Goal: The story needs to be driven by this. What does the character want? What are they trying to do? What are they willing to do to make it happen? This must be measurable. Not “I want to get married” but “I will ask ten men on dates in the next month.”

Drive: Why does the character care about this goal so much? What happened in their life that has led them to this decision? If the main character wants to be a social worker, I figure out why. Was she abused as a kid? Had a best friend who committed suicide because she got put into foster care? It can be anything, but it needs to be personal.

Antagonist: There must be a bad guy. It can be a person, the weather, a corporation… The antagonist is there to provide conflict. To be mean to your characters. Make sure you have one and make sure not to pull your punches when you use them.

Flaw: This is often a lie that the character has been hiding behind. They don’t realize it until near the end of the story. It can be as simple as the character always thinks of themselves first, or they don’t like tall men because they got teased by the tall guys in junior high and therefore all tall men are jerks.

In the End: What decision does the main character make at the end of the story that they never would have made at the beginning? Do they stand up to their abuser? Put someone else’s need before their own? Throw off their wig in public and own the fact that they’re bald?

Ally: Every main character needs someone on their side. Someone to talk to. A shoulder to cry on. If not the character will likely feel incomplete.

Here’s what I have right now for my Snow White retelling!

Name: Gwendolen Autry

Who is she: 28 year old corporate trainer

External Goal: Host the last few weeks of bookings for the B&B then sell it. (Notice I’ve already changed the initial premise so that her aunt ran the B&B and has recently died, leaving it to Gwen instead of Gwen covering for a friend.)

Drive: Gwen’s aunt helped her through her step-mother issues, and she wants to honor the woman by doing this for her.

Antagonist: Either the step-mother or whomever wants to buy the B&B. (I haven’t decided on this yet. Heck, it might change five times before I’m finished, but this is my idea at the moment.)

Flaw: Gwen doesn’t believe that a man can look past her beauty and see her for who she is. (This is a tough one, because it’s going to be difficult to write a likable female lead who knows she’d drop-dead gorgeous. Most of us roll our eyes at women who think like this. If I figure it out, great. If not, then I’ll change it. This leads to a good conflict within the romance. Everything the “prince” does will be tainted by this belief Gwen has.)

In the End: Gwen decides she wants to stay at the B&B instead of going back to her big, flashy corporate life. She finds the personal connections she makes, along with the cooking and cleaning, more satisfying than her job.

Ally: Gwen needs a BFF. I’m not sure who this is going to be yet.

This is what I came up with after just an hour or so of plotting. There are mounds of notes about each category that I didn’t share here. It’s likely that some of it will change between now and when Is start writing.

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Happy Birthday to Me!

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I’m turning 43 this month!

For my birthday I want 43 reviews of Fractured Memories by the end of July!

Reviews are super important to authors. The book is free on Amazon and several other places.

What’s in it for you?

If I get 43 reviews by the end of the month, I’m going to write the scene where Jeff sees and meets Wendy for the first time from HIS point of view. Was it love at first sight? You’ll never know unless I get 43 reviews. 🙂

So if you haven’t reviewed Fractured Memories yet, do it this week! And if you have, get another friend hooked on the series and have them leave a review.

I do have to say that I have the coolest friends ever!

Because they love me, and they know me so well, they made this for me.

Why yes, that is a Millennium Falcon bing-bag toss game. And yes, those are little Star Wars bing bags to toss.

Be jealous. It’s okay.

It’s awesome and super fun and the hubby and I have already played it. Sort of. What actually happened was that we tried to look cool and failed miserably.


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Some People Change and Some People Don’t

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As a writer I often wonder why people like certain stories. What is it that draws readers to stay up until 2am to finish a book, or watchers to binge on Netflix for eight hours at a time? The reason is different for everyone, but by and large, most people love the characters in a story. They care about what happens to the characters, and that is why they keep reading or watching.

I’m 100% in this camp. Even an epic action scene or a perfectly timed comedy falls flat for me if I don’t care about the characters.

I’ve been focusing on characters in my own writing, and I’ve come to realize that I love two types of characters:

The first are those that make a change for the better.

The second are those that stick to their guns (ideals) no matter what.

I’m going to use Avatar: The Last Airbender for two wonderful examples.

First, Zuko: exiled prince of the fire nation tasked with the impossible quest of finding the Avatar and bringing him back to the Fire Lord (Zuko’s psychotic father). When we start Zuko has one goal: Get his honor back so his father will accept him. Zuko is young and headstrong and steps on a lot of toes during his journey. He throws literal fire-bending tantrums, and hates everyone and everything. The only person that sticks by him is his uncle, who is a saint.

As the story progresses, we see Zuko’s tragic background. As he is exposed to more of the real world, he begins to change. He starts to care about people besides himself. He starts to wonder if this hundred year long war, which is family has started and sustained, is really the best thing.

Just as he begins to turn onto a better path, he gets the chance to restore his honor…and he takes it. Injuring the Avatar and tossing his uncle away as a traitor.

I really wanted to slap him.

Zuko then gets what he wants. His father welcomes him home. His honor is restored. He is once again the prince of the fire nation. He walks the halls of the palace like a boss.

But it doesn’t last. He knows something is wrong. Or missing. Or both. As the third season goes on, you start to believe in Zuko again. And, in the end, he forsakes his father and joins team Avatar.

His journey alone is reason enough to watch the three seasons of this “kids” show.

Now to Aang. Aang is the Avatar. He’s twelve years old, the last airbender, fun-loving and ran away when he found out he was the Avatar because he didn’t want to be different. He just wanted to be a kid.

Aang knows he has to stop the war—it’s his duty as the Avatar—but he’s an air-bender monk, and doesn’t even eat meat. How can he kill the king of the fire nation? He spends the entire series preparing to meet the Fire Lord in battle, but he also spends the entire series  trying to figure out how to stop the war without killing anyone else.

This ideal is tested again and again. He hurts his friend with his first attempt at fire bending and refuses to learn it until Zuko comes to team Avatar. He always finds some way besides killing to fix the situations he finds himself in.

Aang is both very kind and very powerful. He sticks with his no-killing policy until the bitter end, even though it seems that he might fail as the Avatar. The world tries to sway him, but he refuses to budge. And in the end, he finds another way to defeat the fire lord.

This is two simple examples of basic character arcs that work. They get you to care about the character and then take you along for the ride of their stories.

Anyone have a favorite character in Avatar?

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