Category Archives: Flash Fiction Friday

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Six weeks of limericks!

That’s right, for the next six weeks I’ll be writing a random limerick for Flash Fiction Friday.

Because I want to.

Week 6

A golem is made out of clay
And not very good at ballet.
They’re sometimes quite sad
Because they smell bad
They cry out in utter dismay.

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Six weeks of limericks!

That’s right, for the next six weeks I’ll be writing a random limerick for Flash Fiction Friday.

Because I want to.

Week 5

The vampires like to suck blood
As it spurts from you in a flood.
It makes their teeth red,
And fills us with dread,
Then you hit the ground with a thud.

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Six weeks of limericks!

That’s right, for the next six weeks I’ll be writing a random limerick for Flash Fiction Friday.

Because I want to.

Week 4

There once lived a monster named Frank
Who loved to scare me with this prank;
He’d take off his head
And fake he was dead
Then throw his left arm in a tank.

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Six weeks of limericks!

That’s right, for the next six weeks I’ll be writing a random limerick for Flash Fiction Friday.

Because I want to.

Week 3

There once was a very fine ghost
Who haunted a house on the coast.
He’d scare you in style
With his half-decayed smile
Then use your meat sack as a host.

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