The Pen is Mightier . . .

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The Pen is Mightier . . .

I have to say that today I’m very grateful for pen and paper. I’ve got a lot going on at the moment (most of it running around in my head, clamoring to get out) and if it weren’t for me writing things down I would never remember anything. Well, not anything cool, that is.

Sure, I can remember that I have to go to work on Tuesday (yay for Labor Day!), and I don’t usually forget to dress before I leave in the morning. I got that stuff. Mostly. My problem is all the little ideas that parade in front of my conscience, do a little (and sometimes impressive) dance and then run away to hide in the recesses of my mind. Cool things like the technology hunting half-cat, half-robot that I want to put into my next story. If I hadn’t written that little jewel down, I never would have remembered it. N E V E R.

Just one more proof that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword. Especially if it is an energy shooting, spider eliminating, pink-inked pen with a tassel.

1 Comment


September 5, 2010at 11:29 pm

Or lipstick. Stacy once woke in the night with a great poem in her mind. In the dark (and so not to wake a sister) she grabbed a lip stick and wrote it on her arm. It was mostly illegible in the morning and she had forgot it. That was the morning she put a pad and pen on the nightstand and there is one to this day.

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