Crippled Hope Launch and Giveaway

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Crippled Hope Launch and Giveaway

If you troll Amazon, you may have noticed that Crippled Hope, book 4 of my Jagged Scars Series, has been out for a couple of weeks, but I wanted to give it an official launch into the world.


Reeling from the fall of Shelter, and mourning the loss of too many friends, Wendy and the battered survivors must leave their broken home in search of another. As Jeff tries to keep the council together, Wendy rallies the remaining fighters in their defense, but more deaths and a clash of wills divide the people. Some insist they fight, others wish to run while a growing number desire to surrender to the Primate, falsely believing he will show them mercy.

Up until now, Wendy has been able to slash her way out of anything, but her knives prove useless as hunger, disease and discord threaten to rip not only the group apart, but also the growing relationship between her and Jeff.

This series takes place in a post apocalyptic world derived from our own . This is a little tidbit that is only alluded to in the book. The world collapsed because the world government decided that health care was getting too costly, so they created an additive they put into corn, rice and wheat that would trick people’s bodies into shedding unwanted calories, fats etc, and keep only what it needed to survive.

This is fiction guys, don’t go all science nerdy on me. It could happen.

The additive mutated and started keeping people’s bodies from absorbing enough nutrients. They could survive for years, but after three or four months-depending on the circumstances-they turned into Skinnies.

Skinnies are people, but they’re crazy. They’re starving to death very slowly, and very painfully. All reason flees and they are only left with the desire to eat, and raw meat is as good as anything else.

Wendy and the rest live in the aftermath of the Starvation. Crops are still susceptible to the Starvation, but somehow the Primate has found a way to tame Skinnies to do his bidding. The fight isn’t even close to over.

Have you ever come up with a crazy idea about how the world will end?
Tell me about it in the comments of this blog to nter my giveaway for a $20 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 Comment

Jonathan Stringer

January 23, 2017at 10:15 pm

It’s hard to say how the universe will end. Will it be the heat death of the big crunch? I lean toward the big crunch, but I’m pretty sure the world will end when the sun expands.

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