
Bad (or good?) Amazon!

The publishing industry is in complete chaos right now. Someone posted this on Facebook, and I thought it was pretty interesting. It infuriates me to think I’m coming into this business “late in the game.” However, if I can manage to look at it as diving into a new wave, it might be different.

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One More Thing . . .

I forgot something. It relates to the Below the Belt post yesterday. Not only is hitting below the belt a great way to command someone’s attention, but it pretty much works every time. Not 100% of the time, but probably 99.9%. And if you boys are feeling picked on (sorry, I promise to use a

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Hitting Below the Belt

Hey, I’m short. I have to use what I can . . . and if I can only reach that high, well, that’s just the way it’s going to be. Whenever Sensei gives us a situation (some guy is going to grab you and take you to the molester van or whatever) and asks what

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Do Something

The very, very, very, very ,very, very, very first lesson I ever learned in Kempo was this: Do Something Anything. A large fellow is coming at you with a haymaker, screaming at the top of his lungs, convinced that you took the last copy of Call of Duty . . . and you do what?

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