
There Goes the Good Knee

Ouch. That’s really all I have to say. Well, that’s not entirely true. I have a few other choice words to say, but I’ll spare the blog readers. I don’t usually indulge in “colorful metaphors” . . . at least not where anyone can hear me. I wasn’t planning to go to Kempo class today.

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Triumph and Drudgery

Mosquito. Need I say more? They’re everywhere, along with those tiny, white, flying bugs that seem to have invaded the area. Anyway, bug are all over the place, and mosquitoes are the worst. Worse? Worst. Shinny. I’ve tried to kill a few in the dojo over the past week or so, but I usually miss.

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Too Early

This morning I did a good deed. At least I think it was a good deed. I left my apartment about 6:20am and went out to my car. As I was walking towards my car I clicked the doors open with my keyless entry (one of the best inventions ever, by the way). The SUV

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The Curse of a Mother’s Kiss

I wrote this a few years ago. It’s kinda cute. Tonight was the last night of monster camp. Everyone, and everything, was assembled in the large, outside amphitheater. Benches sat along the grass terraces, and every seat was taken. The swamp and water monsters were down in the front, swimming lazily in the pond. A

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