
Woe is Me!

Our wireless internet is down. Again. I Google a lot when I write. I check me e-mail every ten minutes. (You know, just in case someone decided that they want to leave me a million dollars because they’re moving to Iceland to become a fish whisperer and they can’t take any money with them.) And

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CONduit Day 2

CONduit, Day 2 The best bit of advice I heard today was this: Be yourself The guest of honor at CONduit this year was Carole Nelson Douglas. She’s written a boat load of books, most mystery, but she’s been delving into different genres for the past few years. Her message basically said to be yourself

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Gems from CONduit – Day 1

I’ve been attending CONduit for probably ten years. In the past I’ve come, gone to panels, soaked up a bunch of writing tips, left, arrived home, would get excited about writing for a little while before the whole experience wore off and I ended up right back where I started. A but wiser, perhaps, but

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Not Sure I’d Have the Guts

I heard the most interesting story today. It’s a true story. Yes, I know, I’m a writer and should be spending my time immersed in the world of my fiction. However, once in a while I come up for air and to see what’s going on in the “real world.” Tonight, a friend told me

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