
Never Tell Me the Odds

It’s been a while since I’ve told a harrowing Kung Fu tale. Lately we’ve been working on grab escapes (what to do when someone is trying to drag you off to the molester van) and things haven’t been terribly exciting. Tonight we got to try out our new found freedom tactics in the circle of

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Thwarted :(

What can you do when it’s Mother Nature who thwarts you? I mean really, there isn’t exactly a box you can slip an irate comment into. Nor is there a “proper channel” through which one can lodge a complaint. I supposed that you could go around destroying nature, but what good does that do? And

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It Is Time . . .

Well, it’s almost time. In twelve hours we’ll be on our way, and in 24 hours we should be back. Eating. Reliving our harrowing hike and laughing at the fact that at some point we all thought we might die. Okay, maybe not the dying part. In the morning myself and two friends are going

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Let the Madness Begin!

Today is the first day of November. To those that know me, it won’t come as a shock that I’ve decided to once again bite off more than I can probably chew and tackle Nanowrimo. 50,000 words in a month. They can be as craptastic as you can write them—just as long as by 11:59pm

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