Month Nine as a Full-Time Author

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Month Nine as a Full-Time Author

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Most of you know that I went to Salt Lake city FanX (a ComiCon type convention) at the beginning of the month. See my post about it here.

I have to say that selling out of one of my series was a life goal for me. I had 25 sets of those books, and never thought that I would sell them all. Not to mention the other 100 or so books people bought. A few customers (hopefully now fans) have left positive reviews about my books on Amazon and Goodreads, which is awesome.

If you would have asked me at the beginning of the year what I’d be working on in September, I would have told you my Young Adult space opera series. I never would have imagined that I’d be working on something completely unexpected.

Two somethings, really.

First off I’m puttering around with my Academy series. The first story is in the Fractured Sea collection. The other seven—some of them including characters that you guys suggested—will be out starting January of next year!

The other project will come to life in November. I’ll tell you more about that when the time gets closer.

Have no fear, I’ll get back to my YA space opera soon. I’m excited to write it, but also intimidated, so I’m letting it percolate a little longer before I really dive in.

Earlier this month I had the privilege of delivering a keynote address to a crowd of aspiring writers. I really struggled with what to say to them, and actually had two different speeches written. At the last minute I decided to go with my writing journey. And I’m glad I did.

As we stare at what’s ahead of us, sometimes in anticipation, sometimes in dread and sometimes with both, I think we can all forget what it was like before. How difficult it can seem to finish that first book, or edit it, or get so caught up in trying to get an agent that you forget why you started writing in the first place.

It felt good to encourage people in their journey, no matter where they are. Because everyone needs encouragement at some point, even if it’s just a simple, “You got this.”



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